What is this study about?
We are working on a study to explore the quality of care received by young people and young adults who are currently transitioning, or who have previously transitioned their ongoing healthcare needs from child to adult services. “Transition” is defined as the purposeful, planned process that addresses the medical, psychosocial, educational and vocational needs of a young person as they move from child-centred to adult-centred healthcare. (Blum R. W. et al, Transition from child-centred to adult health-care systems for adolescents with chronic conditions. A position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, J Adolesc Health, 1993 Nov;14(7):570-6.) As an example, we will be looking at young people and young adults with chronic conditions such as cerebral palsy or epilepsy who have experience transferring their care from a paediatrician or child health clinician to a doctor in adult medicine, GP or other adult health clinician. The aim of the study will be to produce a report for clinicians and other professionals about how to improve the care they deliver, and guidance for young people and families on what care you should expect to receive. As part of the scoping of this project we are asking young people and parent carers about your experiences and interactions with healthcare services during the transition period. To make sure we include your views when designing the study we would like to ask you a few questions about the process of transition. If you need this survey in another language or braille please contact us at [email protected] or ring us on 020 7251 9060 Who should complete this survey? Please complete this survey if you, or the person you care for: Are under 25 years old Has any condition that requires ongoing healthcare management (this can include both physical and/or mental health conditions) Has had experience transitioning from child to adult services ALL RESPONSES GIVEN AS PART OF THIS SURVEY ARE CONFIDENTIAL Please click HERE to complete survey Comments are closed.
LocationEast Durham Trust
Community House Yoden Road Peterlee SR8 5DP T: 0191 5693511 Charity No: 1117642 Company No: 05934124 |