Current Opportunities Please see below details of current opportunities
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East Durham Connected
An Information, Advice and Guidance Partnership Evaluation Brief 2024– 2026
Evaluation Callout
East Durham Trust are seeking a freelance evaluator for their innovative partnership programme East Durham Connected. The role requires someone with an understanding of the communities of East Durham with an ability to make clear and meaningful connections to our often seldom heard communities.
2. East Durham Connected Project Funded through the National Lottery Community Fund until 2026 East Durham Connected is a partnership of VCS organisations, statutory providers and strategic bodies working together to deliver a proactive 4 ½ year development and transformation programme for improved delivery of community IAG across East Durham. To better meet the complex needs of our vulnerable and marginalised communities the East Durham Connected programme aims to create a truly coordinated and connected referral and support system and network of improved community infrastructure across all four corners of East Durham.
3. Background of Organisation Formed in 2007 and working in one of the most ‘left behind’ localities in England East Durham Trust is a flagship VCSE organisation for County Durham. Delivering poverty reduction and community development we promote community led support for the most marginalised. We are the ‘go to’ organisation within East Durham for our often-disenfranchised ‘seldom reached’ communities. We balance delivery and development of a range of community based and led services. East Durham Trust’s operates on a ‘hub and spoke’ approach through well-established partnerships with our communities. This connects us directly to the 93,500 individuals living in our locality.
4.Evaluation Output
Evaluate the place based impacts, in relation toimprovedcommunity access to IAGservices.
Explore the effectiveness of a Community of Practice and anABCD model.
Work with the project team to assess performance against the key components of the project including use of local assets, improved access to IAGservices and helping people improve their situation and move forward.
Focus on project beneficiary and volunteer experiences through at least one annual case study of each.
Evaluate‘distance travelled’ specific to the actions andoutputs of the partnership through analysis of the baselines and tracked programme monitoring.
Produce a concise report and define any recommendations
5. Budget and Duration of the Contract There is a maximum budget of £2,000per annumin years 2024 and 2025 and a maximum of £3,000 in year 2026 (including VAT and expenses). The contract will run fromSeptember 2024 A payment schedule will be agreed prior to starting the contract. The contract will be subject to renegotiation each year, with either party able to withdraw after a three-month notice period.
6. Expression of Interest To express interest in this opportunity please forward a CV or illustration of previous experience alongside a proposal on how you would meet the outlined brief. Pleases send Expressions of Interest by email to [email protected]
You can contact us if you have any communication support needs. We’re happy to talk about alternative ways for you to send us your Expression of Interest. The deadline for Expression of Interest is Friday 30th August 2024 For further information please contact[email protected]or call 0191 5693511 or call into Community House, Yoden Road, Peterlee, SR8 5DP