East Durham Trust is a flagship VCSE organisation for the 22 villages and 2 towns of the East Durham Coast. We work to serve the communities of what was Easington District prior to unification and the creation of Durham County Council. This includes a vast number of ex-pit villages.
Delivering poverty reduction and community development we promote community-led support for the most marginalised. We are the ‘go to’ organisation within East Durham for our often-disenfranchised ‘seldom reached’ communities. We balance delivery and development of a range of community-based and led services. East Durham Trust operates on a ‘hub and spoke’ approach through well-established partnerships with our communities. |
Volunteer With Us...
As the cost-of-living skyrockets, with a drastic rise in the cost of everyday essentials such as food and fuel and the failure for wages to rise in accordance with these price hikes, we are preparing for an increase in individuals using our services, such as our food banks, debt advice services and befriender phone line. This is where you come in, we are desperately in need of more volunteers to join our ranks and support the local community, ensuring we have the capacity to deliver the same level of services to an increased user base. If you have a few hours to spare a week, there will be a role for you at East Durham Trust. |
LocationEast Durham Trust
Community House Yoden Road Peterlee SR8 5DP T: 0191 5693511 Charity No: 1117642 Company No: 05934124 |