Since 2015 the CREE project has been managed by Durham County Council.
Visit for more up to date information East Durham Trust have helped to set up a range of groups aimed at reducing social isolation among men.
The Trust led on the CREE project which was funded through Durham County Council Public Health and supports drop in groups based on an Australian idea known as ‘Men’s Sheds’.
The project was a response to the closure of traditional industries and the loss of social facilities which greatly reduce contact between men, which in some cases can lead to the development of Mental Health problems.
The Trust has helped to set up a number of groups in communities and has trained volunteers in the process. Often participants get involved in various activities but the real focus is general discussion in an informal atmosphere. Initially 8 groups were established in East Durham.
Following their success CREE groups were developed across County Durham and now include not only groups for Men but groups for Women and Young People too which are quite unique!
The project is still ongoing and is led by Durham County Council.
Please note that as we are no longer hosting this project some contact details may be out of date. For further details contact Durham County Council directly.